When you retread a truck tyre, you save 57 litres of crude oil. You have helped Tyresoles save 1.14 crore litres of crude oil for the nation this year alone.
If your tyres are in good condition, retreading could be an option for you. The process offers many benefits, and saving hard-earned money is one of them!

Mr. Karun Sanghi, MD, Tyresoles India Pvt. Ltd, Receiving Spirit of Retreading Award from Mr. David Wilson at an international award ceremony Held on 16th Nov 23 at The Recircle awards ceremony at Futurmotive Expo, Bologna, Italy 2023. This coveted international award was given in recognition of contribution of Tyresoles for the Tyre Retreading and Recycling industry for the past 76 years.
We thank all our customers, Dealers, and entire Tyresoles Parivar for making it happen. Congratulations to all of you.
Trained Professionals
We have 500 highly-trained professionals who go about their tasks in a practiced and methodical manner.

Radial Retreading
Our Rema Tip Top System has helped our customers put many tubeless tires back in service after repairs, instead of scrapping them.

Retreading Saves Crude Oil
The average truck tire requires 83 liters of oil to make, but only 26.5 liters to retread.

What do we do?
Retreading is a technology where old tyres are made serviceable by removing worn-out or damaged treads and replacing them with new treads. Our ambition to start this venture was to provide professional and cost-effective services to cater to the needs of the transport sector.

The Environmental Benefits of Tyre Retreading
In the Original Green Industry, Every Day is Earth Day April 22nd is Earth Day, but in the retread industry, we don’t wait for a single day to think about the impact we’re having on the environment.

How do we do it?
Trained Professionals
We have 500 highly-trained professionals who go about their tasks in a practiced and methodical manner.

Radial Retreading
Our Rema Tip Top System has helped our customers put many tubeless tires back in service after repairs, instead of scrapping them.

Retreading Saves Crude Oil
The average truck tire requires 83 liters of oil to make, but only 26.5 liters to retread.