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Better Technology
Tyresoles offer maximum Crown Width, thus ensuring maximum ground coverage and therefore, better mileage. At Tyresoles, tyres are buffed, built, and cured with inflation, the condition like the tyre in operation. This helps achieve the most balanced and symmetrical product. Moreover, Tyresoles has direct control over tread formulation/tread designing, product development, and in-house testing facilities for tensile strength, abrasion, specific gravity, etc.
Retreading Radials
Tyresoles is the only retreading which offers retreads for radial earthmover tyres. These tyres are retreaded to technical specifications to suit leading international tyre brands, tread designs and state-of-the-art machinery

Application Specific Treads


X Bar

Jet Track

Super Rib

Super Lug

Value Miller



Mine Star

Power Track

Power Radical



Application Specific Treads

Components of a pneumatic Tyre

Bias Nylon Tyre Construction

Steel Belted Tyre Construction

Steel Belted Tyre Construction
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